Key intelligence for private markets investors through the deal lifecycle
Ensure you don’t miss any crucial deal targets
Identify companies that fit your investment criteria
Indicate when a company is growing faster than its peers
Address key diligence questions
Save time when researching, interviewing and testing data providers
Build value within your portfolio companies
Highlight opportunities to implement data-driven strategies within your portfolio
27% of PE investors currently use alternative data, while another 25% plan on doing so in the future.
How can I build accurate indicators around a company’s revenue growth and financial performance to source new target investments?
educate private equity clients on how they can use consumer transactional data to solve this problem.
identify which data providers are best suited for each use case, including providing intelligence on vendor panel sizes, underlying data sources and panel diversity.
What other sources can I use to identify high-growth companies?
introduce its private equity clients to sentiment data vendors, which scrape media outlets and company websites to monitor positive/negative brand sentiment, as well as events that indicate growth (like fundraising, new product launches, market expansion, etc.)
provide anonymised intelligence on the vendors that its clients’ peer groups find useful, and those that lack accurate signals after testing.
How can I find cost-effective data within a short time frame that addresses key questions on each of my deals?
provide a structured framework and consultative guidance from its team of 20+ research analysts and expert consulting team on how to approach the research process for unfamiliar data sources
save its clients time during the interviewing and testing phase by conducting research upfront and providing it in a searchable catalogue
How can I use data to build value within my portfolio companies?
recommend datasets that upgrade portfolio company operational process and create value post-acquisition
provide advice on data vendors that offer products to track portfolio company momentum and the momentum of competing products
Neudata’s solutions
Powerful data scouting software
Thousands of research reports, use cases and real-time updates at your fingertips.
Easily search and compare thousands of data products
Read objective and neutral reports by data analysts
Insight on trends and data products gaining traction
Monitor risk and compliance events

Get access to our experts
Our team of research analysts in London, New York and Shanghai work for you – not the vendors – to provide objective opinions and scouting services. Draw on their 100+ years of experience to inform your alternative data programs.
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